1. Do you like watching HGTV? Well then you'll love participating in the Teachers' Lounge Refresh Project! (See detailed blurb below). And huge thanks to Tracy Foose for spearheading!!!
2. Next Parent Club meeting Tuesday, February 28, @9:15 a.m. in the library.
3. Parent Club has been keeping the teachers' lounge stocked, and you can/should help! Sign up here: White Hill Faculty/Staff Sign-up Sheet
4. Binder Hospital is amazing, everyone!! Not only do they give your kids (yes, very possibly your kid) supplies they're missing and help organizing their schoolwork, they also go through Aries and Google Classroom with kids to take care of missing assignments! And don't worry, they don't give out the free candy unless the students actually work with the volunteers. So huge shout-out again to Binder Hospital volunteers, Theresa Mar-Elia, Andrea Haberlein, Maggie Andalib, Renee Eshoo, Nikki Levy, Ella Adams, and Adiam Essman. Become a volunteer by emailing Theresa at tmarelia@comcast.net. I bet you could even have some of the candy if you asked nicely.
Or come up with your own project and we can maybe do it! Email whparentclub@gmail.com.
