Hi, Wildcats.
Can I just say? I'm so impressed with all the work that the dedicated White Hill Parent Club volunteers have been doing this year. It's been heartwarming and so, so important. Thank you. Those of you who haven't found a way to help out this year, that's OK! There's still time! Take one lunch break and come help supervise by filling out these volunteer forms! There are still some slots for bringing food for the teacher luncheon on Tuesday. Maybe you could help out WH Athletic Director Cary Adriatico and parent volunteer AD Greg Pera with some sports team tasks. Make a teacher feel special using this handy list of favorites. Or come up with your own project! Or, do something else with your free time and just make your annual contribution so we can keep providing great things to our students and staff!
Also, an organization called Dedication to Special Education shared this upcoming event with me and asked that I pass it along to you:
Disabling Segregation: A powerful case for inclusive education
Thursday, March 16th from 6:30-7:30pm on Zoom
Register here or
Students, parents, educators, administrators and community members welcome
English and Spanish flyers attached
Spanish interpretation provided
Have a wonderful week, Wildcats!
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