Here they are. Thanks to Sue Pierce for taking notes. Great first meeting. So many topics to discuss!
9.20.22 WH PC Meeting Minutes
Rachael, Sue, Renee, Bryan, John (principal), Jenine, Andrea, Mo, Terri, Virgine, Josh, Jen Karr, Jen Ciraldo, Mireya, Veronica, Grace, Kelley, Gloria
White Hill grandparent club - Need a lead person for this
Ideas include:
Grandparent Day
Garden club/day
Cookies for the staff
Lunchtime supervision
Business Sponsors - send ideas to Rachael
Stocking breakroom - sponsor opportunity? Branded donations?
Make sure there aren’t conflicts with YES business sponsors
Targeted Emails
to all sixth grade families after Wildcat Welcome,
to sports teams
To 7&8tth grade families after Halloween dance
Thermometer to show fundraising goals? Put out front
Instagram - Need to get an Instagram account going - volunteer needed!
Halloween Dance
Photo booth discussion - can we get a sponsor for that?
Need volunteers for the day of the dance
No phones allowed
How to keep the kids in one place
Need more meetings before event
Fall Festival - friday Oct 7th, Spirit Club wants huge jenga, dunk tank, pillow jousting, Amy’s doing food, corn hole
Care Closet - collaboration with counseling center
Volunteers have stepped up
Other Ideas?
Sports rally - community to watch a White Hill sports game
Teacher Appreciation
Sponsor for breakroom?
A parent for every teacher
Additional Board Members?
Not needed
Site council needed! - impact school policy, set goals, need five parents
Concerns from Parents
weren’t used last year
students don’t really carry around textbooks
many lockers are exposed to elements
Principals will continue to look into this
Cell phones
Not allowed in class
supervisors at lunch tell kids to put them away
Bugs in classrooms
Bad in 6th grade building
on principals’ list to address
Ebike safety
huge issue in CA,
community issue - work with fairfax and san anselmo
There is a parent education piece, student education piece, law enforcement piece
Library hours expanded
Could parent volunteers help? Need to have a credential.
